CS Senior Project

Project: Robotic Mining Competition

Welcome! This site is to showcase the progress of the 2023 CSE portion of the RMC (Robotic Mining Competition) team. This project acts as the senior project for the CSE team members.

Team members: Liam Sapper - lsapper2020@my.fit.edu
Faculty advisor: Dr. Marius Silaghi - msilaghi@fit.edu

First Semester

Plan (Sep 6) Plan, Presentation
Milestone 1 (Oct 2) Requirement, Design, Test, Presentation, Progress Evaluation
Milestone 2 (Oct 30) Presentation, Progress Evaluation
Milestone 3 (Nov 27) Presentation, Progress Evaluation

Second Semester

Plan (Sep 6) Plan, Presentation
Milestone 4 (Feb 19) Presentation, Progress Evaluation
Milestone 5 (Mar 18) Poster, e-book page, Presentation, Progress Evaluation
Milestone 6 (Apr 15) Developer Manual, User Manual, Presentation, Progress Evaluation


Autonomous Navigation Demo
Showcase Loop